
I had been doing some reading on the Cherokee and I suppose it had a hand in giving birth to these words. I have re written it several times and the subject focus has shifted as well. Right now it’s a poem. It may grow to a song one day but maybe not.


I am the dark skin….long forgotten kin

ancient as the four winds….blowin’ again

I bring strong words to you….but in your heart you know are true

oh won’t you hear me now

The earth is cryin’ for us to treat her better

it’s gettin’ late if we don’t get it together

our future’s in the balance of now or never

 this is where we can help you see

we’re as old as these hills- Cherokee

this is our homeland…right where we stand

and we may shake hands…. but I don’t understand

how you kill the water and the trees.. clear cut Mother Nature at her knees

oh won’t you hear me now

the earth is cryin’ for us to treat her better

it’s gettin’ late if we don’t get it together

our future’s in the balance of now or never

this is where we can help you see

we’re as old as the hills- Cherokee

@glenn simmons music 2015

Be Good To One Another

Fear brings out some interesting emotions in us all. Organized religion has known this for a long time and has had a pretty good handle on how to make it work for them.

Perhaps we all respond to stimuli the way our natural DNA tells us to. Some has to be cultural, but I think our gut reaction is from our spirit and how we relate to the world.

With the grief and sadness over the recent attacks in Paris and other global points, it has been interesting to see the responses on social media as well as National media. A portion of my belief has real frustration with the news and the bombarding and continuous pounding of points that they want to make. All the more frustrating when they don’t have all the facts, but they continue to repeat those points, and then the fire is started and everyone runs off half cocked on social media.

As a country I wish our heart was in to a crisis as much as our heads were. It seems we are in a host of places that we don’t need to be or at least at that point.  We don’t have to be the worlds savior and it’s healthier for everyone for those that can take care of their own problems, do so.

I’m all for thinking globally and helping others out, but some of it just isn’t our business. I’m not much of a political thinker. I try, but the more I seek the less I seem to know or believe.

That being said I have my own difficulties personally even trying to lace up my faith and my humanness in close proximity. At the heart of the worlds major religions, from my Muscogee faith and my journey with Christ, to all the others, love, peace, balance and harmony are the tenants. Man has done and continues to do horrible things to his fellow brothers and sisters and my gut reactions are not pretty. But then I look at a statue of Buddha or Christ, or Black Elk, and the tension amps up quite a bit.

As I face East every morning with sage and feathers for morning prayers, all I can do is try to connect with the Creator and be thankful. I hope whomever you pray to , you are asking for much of the same thing. And that we all try to lace up our faith with our humanness to somehow resemble a single mind and heart for peace.

Aho and Amen! be good to one another

Music for the writing of this blog post was Bob Dylans, ” Everything is broken”, “God on our side” and “Change my way of thinking”